
Breaking Barriers: The Distinctive Lens Women Bring to Entrepreneurship

In the dynamic realm of entrepreneurship, the invaluable contributions of women are too often overlooked, and yet study after study shows that they offer businesses a distinctive lens through which innovation, resilience, and inclusivity are reflected. Acknowledging and embracing the unique perspectives women offer is not just an issue of diversity but a strategic advantage that enriches the entrepreneurial landscape, propelling businesses towards more holistic success.  

Through empathetic leadership, collaborative spirit, and innovative problem-solving, women entrepreneurs redefine the norms, paving the way for a more diverse, equitable, and prosperous future in the entrepreneurial sphere. 

Overview of women entrepreneurs in Bahrain 

Recent years have witnessed a remarkable surge in Bahraini women venturing into entrepreneurship, marking a transformative shift in the nation’s business landscape. With increasing access to resources, financing through programs such as Riyadat, mentorship programs, and a supportive ecosystem, more Bahraini women are embracing entrepreneurship as a pathway towards unleashing their potential for innovation and contributing significantly to the country’s economic growth. 

Bahraini women’s vital role in entrepreneurship is evidenced by the fact that they made up 58% of the active Virtual Commercial Registrations held by Bahrainis in Q3 2023 and 49% of the total active Individual Commercial Registrations. 

Unique Qualities Women Bring to Entrepreneurship 

This International Women’s Day, we look at the unique qualities that women bring to entrepreneurship, highlighting why they should be encouraged to take the leap. 

1. Collaborative Leadership Style 

A standout trait among women entrepreneurs is their inclination toward collaborative leadership. Their natural inclination toward consensus-building and a relationship-focused approach reshapes traditional hierarchies. By valuing input from diverse perspectives and encouraging open dialogue, women leaders create environments where every voice is heard, enabling more robust decision-making and fostering a sense of collective ownership within teams. 

2. Innovative Problem-Solving 

The diverse experiences and backgrounds that women entrepreneurs bring to the table offer fresh insights and alternative angles, which are instrumental in devising unconventional yet effective solutions to complex challenges. Research consistently shows that startups with diverse leadership teams not only outpace but also outperform their less diverse counterparts. 

 3. Resilience and Adaptability 

Despite facing more difficulties in starting businesses during the pandemic, women reported better growth expectations and were more adaptable with their strategies during those challenging times. This was evident across regions, with women entrepreneurs more likely to report better growth expectations compared to the pre-pandemic period, especially in high-income countries. 

 4. Community and Social Impact 

Women reinvest in their local communities, generating employment and driving meaningful social change. By endorsing and investing in women-led enterprises, we are actively participating in the construction of a future that is both equitable and sustainable.