Maryam Isa

Head of Brokerage – SICO

Maryam Isa, Head of Brokerage at SICO commented, “My career was not served to me on a golden platter. I had to struggle hard and long for my education and profession and I encountered numerous challenges on the way. However, the biggest challenge I ever had to face was myself – how to maintain a balance between my studies, work, and family life. I’ve found that one of the key elements in personal development is finding your passion, and with the support of Tamkeen’s professional courses, I was able to utilize many opportunities to garner new skills and knowledge to further my career. It was an incredibly exciting time in my life that drove me to believe in myself and chase my dreams through dedicated effort and development. It is with the benefits of this factor in my life that I am now an integral part of SICO and its future progress.