Career Pathway Maps

The career pathway maps have been created with a collaboration between Skills Bahrain, the regulators and the private sector.

This interactive tool provides a comprehensive overview of various job families within a sector and their corresponding occupational standards, which describe the necessary skills, behaviors, and education/training required for success in the profession.

  • Employees in the Sector

    Those working in the sector can see their career pathway and understand the changing and emerging jobs in the sector.

  • HR and Line Managers in the Sector

    HR and Line Managers use the Occupational Standards and Skill descriptors for skill-based performance management and to support work-based learning and assesment.

  • Training and Education Providers

    Jobs and pathways are transparent to those leading learning in the sector. Learning is directly aligned to career growth and based on standards of achievement for specific skills.

  • Students and Parents

    Students in either high school or higher education can learn what the jobs in the sector are and how these jobs are declining or growing. They can make informed career choices.

Select a sector to use the interactive tool